Quality, Flavor and Tradition...

Our dried mushrooms and our morels are selected with the greatest care. At Chef Morel, we place a high priority on quality.

Taste Ceps, Girolles, Trumpets, Shiitake but also Dried high-altitude morels strong> with a strong taste and delicate texture.

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Offer valid until Friday March 15, 2024 inclusive.

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frequently asked Questions

how do I properly rehydrate my dried mushrooms?

In order to rehydrate your dried mushrooms as best as possible, we advise you to pour the desired quantity into a container, cover them with lukewarm or hot water (avoid adding too much water), wait for around 2h30, stirring from time to time. Then drain your mushrooms in a colander without pressing them, avoid rinsing before and after rehydration. Your mushrooms are ready to cook!

Tip: you can recover the perfume-laden rehydration juice to accentuate the flavor when cooking your mushrooms or to use in other recipes (soups, sauces, etc.)

How to cook them?

It's very simple, you must first rehydrate your mushrooms for an average of 2 hours in water in a container. Then you can cook them very simply in all your sauces, in soups or veloutés, in elaborate recipes, in fried vegetables, sautéed as an accompaniment. There are hundreds of recipes in which you can use them, it's an ingredient to always have on hand, a must-have in the kitchen!

How long can I keep them?

Drying is an ancestral preservation method, at the time when refrigerators and freezers did not exist, it made it possible to keep a harvest for many years in the best conservation conditions. Our dried mushrooms keep for an average of 2 years and when the package is opened, the shelf life indicated on the package does not change if it is properly closed and stored in a clean, cool and clean place. dry away from light.

A little word about us...

Chef Morel is a family business located in the countryside at the foot of the mountains, nature occupies an important place in our lives. Passionate about authentic cuisine, we attach great importance to the ingredients with which we cook. We select the best products in order to best share our passion and the pleasure of cooking mushrooms.