Spaghettis-aux-morilles-crémeuses Chef Morel

Spaghetti with creamy morels

 Ingredients for 4 persons :

  • 60 Gr of whole dried morels - On sale here -
  • liquid cream 30% 20cl
  • Soft butter
  • spaghetti 
  • parsley
  • a shallot
  • Salt and pepper from the mill

Recipe :

1. In a container, rehydrate the morels in lukewarm water for 1h30, stirring them from time to time, drain them delicately and cut all your morels in half lengthwise. Keep the rehydration juice, filter it using a cloth or coffee filter and set aside.

2. In a large frying pan over medium heat, melt 2 knobs of butter then add the chopped shallot and brown it, lightly browning it until it is slightly transparent span>. Add a nice knob of butter, then add your morels, salt & pepper and let them brown for 5 minutes on each side, stirring them regularly.

3. Meanwhile, in a large saucepan, bring 4 liters of salted water (40g of salt) to the boil and immerse your spaghetti (400-500g for 4 people) for a few minutes until ALDENTE cooking, drain them, add a light drizzle of olive oil, stir and keep them warm.

4. Still over medium heat, in your pan with the morels, add a small cup of rehydration juice and let it simmer for a good 5 minutes, then add the 20cl of liquid cream and let it simmer, stirring regularly more or less. least 7 min until the sauce thickens.

5. Incorporate just the right amount of chopped parsley, adjust the seasoning if necessary and serve the sauce over the still hot spaghetti in deep plates. You can add a little parsley on top for presentation.


Enjoy your food !

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